From November 12 to 30, Centrale Lyon's Michel Serres library is offering its 5th escape game: Horodata.
The escape game deals with the issue of managing and sharing scientific research data.
While it aims to raise awareness of this issue, no prior knowledge is necessary and the escape game is therefore proposed to the whole Centrale community: engineering students, Masters students, PhD students, teacher-researchers, staff...
Sign up
All you have to do is register your team of 2 to 6 players for one of the available slots by following this link.
Teams of 2 or 3 players applying for the same slot will do the escape together!
The escape game lasts 1h, but the session will last 1h15 (including briefing and debriefing).
The pitch: A researcher on the bangs of the academic system is said to have made a major discovery, but hasn't given any news for several weeks. You are a Ministry data recovery team tasked with getting your hands on the researcher's work.
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