Before the defense
2 months before the defense, you must send via FileSender using the form "Services - Submitting your thesis" :
- Your thesis file in PDF (version 1.4 minimum), which you can test on the CINES
- A Word or LibreOffice document including the titles, abstracts (4000 characters maximum, including spaces) and keywords of your thesis, all in French and English
Once this deposit has been made, you must sign Certificate of Submission Before Defense and send it to Françoise Leynaud (site Écully) ou à Clara Gioiak (ENISE site).
After the defense
Within a maximum of 3 months after the defense, even in case of confidentiality clause, you must send via FileSender using the form "Services - Submitting your thesis" the definitive version of your thesis file in PDF (version 1.4 minimum).
This will include any corrections requested by the jury, and must include on the title page the national thesis number and the name of the jury president.
You must also provide the following documents to the school:
- the Electronic Distribution Agreement of the thesis
- Certificate of Submission of the Final Version of the thesis
- a quitus collected at the library reception desk attesting that you no longer have in your possession any documents belonging to the École (for the Lyon-Écully campus)
Dissemination of the thesis
At the time of submission, you must indicate in the authorization form the distribution methods you wish:
- either immediate distribution of your thesis on the Internet,
- or a dissemination on internet from the date of your choice (during the embargo period, your thesis will be in restricted access under authentication for members of the French academic community)
- either a refusal to distribute on the internet, in which case your thesis will be in restricted access under authentication for members of the French university community.
If the thesis has been declared confidential by the jury, you must also indicate in the form your choices for distribution once the confidentiality period has passed.
If you choose to distribute your thesis on the internet, it will be accessible on the following sites:
- Michel Serres library catalog:
- French theses portal:
- university library catalog:
- European electronic theses portal:
- HAL theses: