Organisation chart and roadmaps

Since 2020 and its first open science roadmap, Centrale Lyon stakeholders are coordinating to develop support services for researchers on open science, both for publications and for data and codes.

Open science, whether it concerns publications, data or codes, mobilises a wide range of skills - IT, documentation, legal... - and therefore requires the mobilisation of various campus stakeholders.

Organisational chart Open Science Centrale Lyon
Organisational chart Open Science Centrale Lyon

The Centrale Lyon open science working group brings together:

  • The research and innovation department
  • The library's research services team
  • The Centrale Lyon PMCS2I computing center
  • The research partnership and development department
  • Centrale Innovation
  • The defense security officer
  • Researchers

1st Open Science Roadmap (2020-2023)

The 1st roadmap, developed within the framework of the open science working group at Centrale Lyon and presented to the scientific council in July 2020, aimed at systematizing the indexing of publications in HAL and increasing the percentage of full-texts accessible through HAL.

Three objectives were set for 2023:

  • Objective 1: 100% of published articles indexed in HAL

This objective was achieved through an annual comparison of publications present in the main bibliographic databases and absent from HAL. Missing publications are then reported to laboratories for inclusion in HAL. HAL is now used as the reference database for the laboratory publications.

  • Objective 2: 70% of documents with open access to the full text

This objective was achieved: the open access rate via HAL was 73% in 2022 and 74% in 2023.

  • Objective 3: Launch of a HAL portal for Centrale Lyon

This objective was achieved with the launch of the Centrale Lyon HAL portal in March 2023.

2nd Open Science Roadmap (2024)

The 2nd roadmap, focusing on the issue of managing and sharing research data was presented to the Scientific Council in March 2024.

Starting with an inventory of practices and needs, it mobilises all the School's stakeholders concerned to offer support throughout the data life cycle.


  • Overview of data management practices and expectations; development of an action plan.
  • Implementation of services and infrastructures throughout the data lifecycle (data management plan, processing, storage, sharing, archiving...).
  • Training and support.
  • Continuation of actions carried out for open access to publications.

Deliverables and services

  • Support in writing data management plans;
  • implementation of an institution-wide storage solution for research projects, to complement existing solutions in laboratories;
  • implementation of a espace Centrale Lyon in the national data warehouse gouv for sharing datasets and support in depositing them;
  • solution of storage on magnetic tapes in collaboration with CC-archiving.gouv for dataset sharing and repository support;
  • solution for archiving on magnetic tapes in collaboration with the CC-IN2P3;
  • production of content :
    • update of guide pratique science ouverte of Centrale Lyon, with the addition of content relating to data management and sharing;
    • "Research services" section on the library's new website, with information on open publications and data management;
    • supports pédagogiques for synchronous or asynchronous training courses.
More about support services for research data management

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