This service enables you to obtain documents (books, theses, journal articles...) that are not available in Centrale Lyon's libraries.
The ILL is free of charge and reserved for readers registered in the library on the Écully campus and the Saint-Étienne campus.
The average loan period can range from one week for documents coming from France to several weeks for those coming from abroad.
The loan period depends on the lending library: if you would like to request a loan extension, please contact us.
To make your request, fill in this form "Documentation - Interlibrary loans" with the essential information (document title, author, etc)
This service enables French and foreign libraries to obtain documents located in the Centrale Lyon libraries (Écully campus and Saint-Étienne campus)
The Centrale Lyon library practices reciprocity on document loans and copies.
Requests from individuals must go through their libraries or documentation centers.
For any document requests, French university libraries can use the Supeb software, while others can fill out this form "Documentation - Interlibrary loans", providing the essential information (library name, document title and author, etc.).