The library's Lyon-Ecully catalog lists reports produced by students (PE, PAR, TFE).
The full text of these reports is accessible from the catalog but only on the intranet.
For any questions about depositing or accessing student work, you can contact us via the form "Services - Deposit / Distribution of PE, PA, TFE"
For help about how to generate the pdf file (reducing size, saving as PDF/A), see our guide.
- PE
Deposit reports via moodle for 2024-2025 under cours S5 Projet d'Etudes 2024-2025 (be careful the deposit is not active yet (02/2025)) - PAR
Deposit reports via moodle for 2024-2025 under cours S7 Projets Application Recherche 2024-2025 (be careful the repository is not yet active (02/2025)) - TFE
Repository via the Scol site of the student services - TFE alternants
Repository of reports via moodle for 2024-2025 in-company training 2022_2025 (not yet active)
Non-confidential reports are disseminated in the library catalog.
Access to pdf files is restricted to students and school staff.
The winning PEs of the Francis Leboeuf Prize may be distributed on the internet with the author's permission.