When we talk about "deposit" in HAL, we distinguish two stages:
- The creation of a bibliographic record describing the publication, which enables it to be referenced in Centrale Lyon's HAL portal and thus to be taken into account in the list of publications of the laboratory and the school.
- The deposit of the full text (pdf in general) of the publication so that it can be archived permanently and, above all, so that the HAL record gives direct access to it. This step is greatly facilitated, from a legal point of view, by the Law for a Digital Republic (more info below).
Creating a HAL publication record
HAL is used by Centrale Lyon and its laboratories as a reference database for publications - for example, as part of HCERES evaluation campaigns. It is therefore imperative for the census of Centrale Lyon's scientific production that :
- All publications are referenced in HAL: journal articles, conference papers, books... A descriptive record must therefore be created in HAL by one of the authors.
- The referencing of publications respects some essential rules to enable them to be attached to the right authors and the right research teams/laboratories/institutions.
Depositing the full text in HAL
The question here is : when I publish my article in a journal, what do I have the right to deposit in HAL?
If you publish your article in open access with the publisher, you can deposit the publisher's version of your article (as published on the publisher's website) in HAL, reporting the license for reuse (generally Creative Commons license, visible on the pdf).
If your article is in paying access with the publisher, you should refer to article 30 of the Law for a Digital Republic of 2016.
What the law allows
- To deposit in HAL the accepted author manuscript of the article (final version integrating corrections but before final layout with publisher's logo, copyright mentions...)
- To make it accessible 6 months after the publication date (date of first online publication on the publisher's site) for articles in the field of science and technology (12 months for humanities and social sciences). It is possible to deposit the pdf in HAL as soon as it is published on the publisher's site, by setting an embargo - i.e. a period of time during which the pdf will not be visible.
Conditions to be met
- That the article is the result of research financed at least half from public funds (this includes all expenses, including researchers' salaries).
- That it be published in a periodical publication that is published at least once a year: this therefore applies to a journal or serial publication of conference proceedings that appears at least annually.
- Have the agreement of its co-authors.
If your publisher allows you more favorable opening conditions than the Law (an immediate deposit of the article or less than 6 months and/or the deposit of the final publisher version), you are of course invited to apply them!
Below is a logigram summarizing the deposit rights in HAL:
...and by the way, why should I deposit in HAL?
- To have your publication counted in the publication lists of your laboratory and of Centrale Lyon.
- To open up your publicly-funded publication, with no additional payment for you or the reader.
- To give your article greater visibility and enable it to be archived permanently, independently of the publisher.
- Because it takes no more than 10 minutes to deposit a publication in HAL, and we're here to help you if you need it!
Have a question? Please contact us!
For any questions about HAL, feel free to contact us via the form "Services à la Recherche - Open Access, HAL, Bibliométrie".