Ikebana (生け花) also known as kadō (華道/花道), "the way of flowers" or "the art of bringing flowers to life" is a traditional Japanese art based on floral composition.
Come and discover this subtle and highly codified art on the library's 1st floor.
If you'd like to learn about this art, the Japan club is offering two workshops at the library:
- Tuesday, February 4 at 12:45 pm by the Sogetsu school
- Thursday, February 6 at 12:45 pmby the Ohara school

Setsubun (節分)
This year, Ecully Campus Japan Week kicks off the day after Setsubun (節分), a traditional Japanese festival, also known as the "bean-throwing festival".
In fact, during this festival marking the arrival of spring, it's customary to throw beans out of house windows in order to chase away oni (demons), shouting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外! 福は内!), which in French means "Out with the demons! Inside happiness!"
The members of the Sogetsu school have of course taken care to perform this ritual, guaranteeing happiness and prosperity for the library and its visitors!