Discipline : Pluridisciplinaire
Type de ressource : Catalogue universitaire
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Federated university catalog of higher education libraries

The Système Universitaire de Documentation catalog is the French union catalog produced by the libraries and documentation centers of higher education and research. It includes over 15 million bibliographic records describing all types of documents (books, theses, journals, electronic resources, audiovisual documents, microforms, maps, scores, manuscripts (excluding Calames) and antiquarian books...).

The catalogue Sudoc also describes the journal and newspaper collections of around 1500 documentary establishments outside higher education (municipal libraries, documentation centers...)

Finally, its mission is to list all theses produced in France.

A search in the Sudoc catalog enables to :

  • obtain the bibliographic description of the document
  • create a bibliography by downloading or exporting records
  • save records (up to 100) in your basket as you search, so you can download them
  • access the full text of the document if it is available online
  • locate a document in one of the libraries in the Sudoc network so you can consult it, request a loan or reproduction. ("Where can I find this document?" tab)