Published on 30 Sep. 2024
Each year, the Francis Leboeuf Prize jury distinguishes Student Projects.
These projects can be viewed in the library catalog.
In 2024:
- First prize goes to Project No. 38: Prévention, simulation et propagation des feux de forêt (Prevention, simulation and propagation of forest fires).
- Second place goes to Project No. 20: Conception d’une borne d’arcade rétrogaming. (Design of a retrogaming arcade terminal).
- Third place went to project n°35:Modèles épidémiologiques. (Epidemiological models).
- and to project n°7: Green Cube, rénovation d’un conteneur en bureau d’éco-déléguées. (Green Cube, renovation of a container into an eco-delegate office).
Congratulations to all!