Discipline : Chimie, Science des matériaux, Sciences de l'ingénieur
Couverture : 1996-today
Type de ressource : Revue scientifique
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Systems and Materials Science and Engineering Journal of the American Chemical Society

Langmuir focuses on the science and engineering of systems and materials in which the interface dominates structure and function. 

The following topics are examples of Langmuir's scope:

  • Polymer interfaces and films
  • Adsorption, wetting, adhesion and dynamics
  • Membranes and biofouling
  • Surfactants, emulsions, microemulsions, vesicles, suspensions, foams and gels
  • Fundamental theory and calculations of interfacial properties
  • Droplets and their dynamics
  • Active and adaptive colloids and nanoparticles, self-assembly
  • Drug delivery, nanomedicine, vectors, targeting, absorption and controlled release
  • Advances in surface/interface characterization techniques
  • MOFs, COFs, zeolites and other porous materials
  • Sensors and biosensors
  • Rheology, non-equilibrium mechanics and thermodynamics
  • Van der Waals materials (1D, 2D, 3D and layered)
  • Interfaces for sustainable development and energy
  • Electrochemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis
  • Single-molecule and single-atom catalysts and particle dynamics under confinement

Accessible content: 
Access to all journal articles from 1996 to today (current subscription).

Acquisition methods:
Annual subscription to the journal.

Methods of access for the Centrale Lyon community:
Access on the Lyon-Ecully campus via address recognition IP / Wifi Centrale Lyon
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