Nano Letters

Discipline : Nanosciences
Couverture : 2001-today
Type de ressource : Revue scientifique
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Nanoscience and nanotechnology journal of the American Chemical Society

Nano Letters is a forum for presenting original results from fundamental, applied and emerging research in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology that require rapid dissemination. 
The convergence of at least two different fields or disciplines is an essential criterion for entering the scope of Nano Letters. The journal's areas of interest are:

  • Quantum materials and phenomena, electronic and nanophotonic
  • Energy conversion and storage materials and electrocatalysis
  • Smart and flexible nanoelectronic devices
  • Nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology
  • Applications of nanomaterials in living and environmental systems
  • Advanced and integrated nanoscale characterization tools

Accessible content: 
Access to all journal articles from 2001 to today (current subscription).

Acquisition methods:
Annual subscription to the journal.

Methods of access for the Centrale Lyon community:
Access on the Lyon-Ecully campus via address recognition IP / Wifi Centrale Lyon
Access on the Saint-Etienne via address recognition IP / Wifi Eduroam
Access on or off campus via access facilitators (Click&Read, Google Scholar, Scopus...)
Access on or off campus via authentication from the Bibliothèque numérique

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