Discipline : Pluridisciplinaire, Sciences de l'ingénieur
Couverture : 1847-2009
Type de ressource : Base de revues scientifiques
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Nature's multidisciplinary journal archives

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a press group specializing in the sciences, born in 1999, and merged with scientific publishing Macmillan bringing together: Nature, the various research journals Nature, specialty journals NPG (formerly Stockton Press), publishers of leading journals from the scientific, medical and technical community, as well as reference NPG (formerly Macmillan Reference Ltd) and publishers of scientific reference information.

Accessible content:
Archives of 11 multidisciplinary scientific journal titles: the journal Nature (1869-2012) and 10 Nature branded journals (origins to 2012) :

Nature Reviews Immunology
Nature Cell Biology
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Nature Chemistry
Nature Immunology
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Nature New Biology
Nature Physical Science
Nature Structural Biology

Acquisition methods:
Archives acquired as part of the National Licences Collex-Persée scheme.

Methods of access for the Centrale Lyon community:
Access on the Lyon-Ecully campus via address recognition IP / Wifi Centrale Lyon
Access on the Saint-Etienne via address recognition IP / Wifi Eduroam
Access on or off campus via access facilitators (Click&Read, Google Scholar, Scopus...)
Access on or off campus via authentication from the Bibliothèque numérique

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