The Royal Society of Chemistry is a learned society located in the United Kingdom whose aim is "the advancement of the chemical sciences". This organisation contributes to research, publishes scientific journals, books and databases, organises conferences, seminars and workshops.
Accessible content:
Archives of 93 journal titles in chemistry (from 1841 to 2014 - list of titles available here on the national licenses website) and 1,347 scientific books (from 1968 to 2014 - list available ici).
Acquisition methods:
Archives acquired as part of the Licences Nationales Collex-Persée scheme.
Access arrangements for the Centrale Lyon community:
Access on the Lyon-Ecully campus via address recognition IP / Wifi Centrale Lyon
Access on the Saint-Etienne via address recognition IP / Wifi Eduroam
Access on or off campus via access facilitators (Click&Read, Google Scholar, Scopus...)
Access on or off campus via authentication from the Bibliothèque numérique.
On- or off-campus access via the ISTEX platform
In case of access problems or questions
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