Waves in Random & Complex Media

Discipline : Ondes électromagnétiques
Couverture : 1997-today
Type de ressource : Revue scientifique
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Multidisciplinary journal of wave phenomena from publisher Taylor & Francis

Waves in Random and Complex Media (formerly Waves in Random Media) is a wide-ranging interdisciplinary journal reporting on theoretical, applied and experimental research related to all wave phenomena.
Based on the scattering and propagation community, the journal Waves in Random and Complex Media is becoming an essential forum for research in established fields such as imaging through turbulence, as well as in emerging areas such as metamaterials.
The journal is of interest to scientists and engineers working in the field of wave propagation, scattering and imaging in random or complex media.

Accessible content:
Access to all journal articles from 1997 to today (current subscription).

Acquisition methods:
Annual subscription to the journal.

Methods of access for the Centrale Lyon community:
Access on the Lyon-Ecully campus via address recognition IP / Wifi Centrale Lyon
Access on the Saint-Etienne via address recognition IP / Wifi Eduroam
Access on or off campus via access facilitators (Click&Read, Google Scholar, Scopus...)
Access on or off campus via authentication from the Bibliothèque numérique.

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