Wiley Online library

Discipline : Pluridisciplinaire, Sciences de l'ingénieur
Couverture : From origins to the present day
Type de ressource : Base de revues scientifiques
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Wiley multidisciplinary journals

The world's leading publisher of learned societies, Wiley offers a portfolio of over 8 million articles from 1,600 journals. Half of these are published in partnership with prestigious international learned and professional societies. Titles cover the full spectrum of life, health and physical sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Accessible content: 
Access to the 1,353 journals in the Wiley database collection - accessible journal list ici on the Couperin website.

Acquisition methods:
"Read & Publish" type subscription to the bouquet of journals as part of the national negotiation led by the Couperin consortium (2022-2024).
Beyond access to articles, this subscription allows, for correspondence authors affiliated with Centrale Lyon, unlimited open access publication at no additional cost in journals published by Wiley (list of eligible journals available ici).

Methods of access for the Centrale Lyon community:
Access on the Lyon-Ecully campus via IP / Wifi Centrale Lyon address recognition
Access on the Saint-Etienne via address recognition IP / Wifi Eduroam
Access on or off campus via access facilitators (Click&Read, Google Scholar, Scopus...)
Access on or off campus via authentication from the Bibliothèque numérique.

In case of access problems or questions

More information about modalities for accessing digital resources
For any questions about digital resources, contact us via the Documentation - Question sur les ressources numériques form.