Click & Read

Discipline : Autre
Type de ressource : Plugin facilitateur d'accès
Accéder à la ressource libre
Click & Read is a CNRS plugin to facilitate access to digital resources

Produced by the CNRS, the free web extension Click & Read scans the web page you visit for documentary identifiers only (DOI, PMID, PII) and adds the clickable C&R logo if the resource is available from one of the selected sources.

Centrale Lyon subscriptions are integrated into Click & Read: if you select Ecole Centrale Lyon among the queried sources, Click & Read will give you access, after authentication, to the paid resources to which we subscribe.

To use and set up the extension, simply follow the instructions below:


To access the resources subscribed by Centrale Lyon via Click & Read, simply indicate Ecole Centrale de Lyon as your home institution:

Click & Read Centrale Lyon setup

This automatically selects the four access points below:

Paramétrage Click & Read - points d'accès

We advise you to reorder them to put them in the order ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON - ISTEX - PANIST - UNPAYWALL :

Click & Read settings - reordered access points

This means that access to the full text will be searched first in Centrale Lyon subscriptions, before being searched in other resources :

ISTEX provides perennial access to content negotiated under licences nationales, which is a national scheme for acquiring digital resource archives from scientific publishers. The list of corpora acquired by publisher is available on the national licenses website.

PANIST is complementary to ISTEX and provides perennial access to Elsevier's Freedom Collection from 2002 to 2023 (10.5 million articles) and Springer's journals from 2015 to 2022 (1.1 million articles).

UNPAYWALL is a service that provides access to all freely accessible versions of articles, whether published in open access or available in an open archive such as HAL.


Finally, you can choose, if you haven't already done so elsewhere, to enable libraries in Google Scholar ; this will have the effect of automatically setting Google Scholar to offer you access to full texts in the list of search results - in particular those provided by Centrale Lyon subscriptions. Once the libraries have been activated in Google Scholar, this access will appear on the right-hand side of the search results:

Centrale Lyon access in Google Scholar



In case of access problems or questions

For any question about digital resources, contact us via the form Documentation - Question about digital resources